Disc Filter GL&V 220 tpd

Sales ID: 24_GLV

Disc Filter GL&V 220 tpd

  • Manufacturer:                          GL&V, Sweden
  • Year:                                          2004
  • Model:                                       VDF 3.66 x 18/20
  • Disc diameter:                          3 660 mm
  • Desing capacity:                       220 tons per day oven-dry with 20 discs
  • Number of discs:                      18 pcs installed / max 20 discs 
  • Current/Max. flow inlet:          13 045 l/min; max 16 000 l/min 
  • Inlet capacity/consistency:      124 kg/min (178 ton/24 hours) at 0,97% consistency
  • Outlet capacity/consistency:   117 kg/min (168 ton/24 hours) at 5% consistency
  • Disc filter drive:                          Gearbox
  • Dimension:                                 about 8,1 x 4,6 x 3 m (L x W x H)
  • Status:                                         Dismantled, complete (stored in containers)
  • Stainless Steel, Segments available for 18 Discs
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Celpap Morava s.r.o.
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