Broke pulper under PM/rewinder 2500mm

Sales ID: 2331

Broke pulper under PM/rewinder, working width: 2560 mm

  • Manufacturer:                                          RCM, Italy
  • Type:                                                         SF1100
  • Year:                                                          1994
  • Working width:                                         2 560 mm
  • Chest outer dimensions LxWxH:            cca 180x270x190 cm
  • Screen plate diameter:                             1100mm with holes 14mm
  • Suitable motor:                                         110 kW, 1500 rpm
  • 1x inclined slide from stainless steel.

    Complete with functional elements. Motor to be supplied according to application. Unit needs some overhaul works, especially the bearing unit flange.

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Celpap Machinery s.r.o.
Politických vězňů 10
110 00 Praha 1
Česká republika

IČ: 60775564  
DIČ: CZ60775564

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Celpap Morava s.r.o.
pobočka Haňovice 120
Chudobín 783 21
Česká republika

IČ: 41033345
DIČ: CZ41033345

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Celpap Deutschland GmbH
Heinrich-Reichard-Strasse 50a
64560 Riedstadt

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